
          Subject:    General Music

Grade Level(s):  9-12

      Unit Topic:    Critical Thinking in Music

Title of Lesson: How music sets the scene

Focus Q: How is music descriptive?

Description: Students listen to music and create their own scenes to match what is happening

Lesson Length:  20-30 minutes



*Remember the 5 questions: Why-What-To Whom-How-Results*

Goals (Òwhat do you want them to knowÉ)

á      Music is subjective

á      How music is able to emphasize emotions or actions in scenes

Objectives (Éand be able to doÓ)

á      Using their own judgement, be able to create a scene revolving around a piece of music

á      Identify key elements in a piece of music which make it descriptive

National Standards addressed

á      6

Prior Knowledge needed

á      Listening skills


á      Pencil

á      Paper

á      Recording of Heart of Courage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4 )

á      Recording of Flameheart (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQMpRWuT6hk )

Lesson Procedures

ø   Introduction



á      I'd start the class by playing He's a Pirate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUnrWo6z9WY ) and have the students describe out loud what it makes them think of.

ø   Instruction


á      Explain that music is able to create scene in your mind

á      Play Heart of Courage and have the students listen to it fully

á      The students can either choose to draw a scene on paper, or describe what they are imagining in their heads in a paragraph

á      If the students finish quickly, then we would repeat the process with Flameheart

ø   Activities

ø   Students create their own scenes

ø   Closure

ø   We will go over what the students created, have the students explain why they thought of the scene they did


Universal Design

Universal Instruction


Multiple means of Representation/



This is a very basic lesson and any student should be able to participate

Differentiation Considerations

(Adaptations for different levels/unique needs)

If a student is incapable of drawing out a scene by just listening to music, then they can describe how the music makes them feel

Advanced Opportunities

There will be higher expectations of explanation for the scene or story they thought of


Student Assessment

Formative Assessment (checking for understanding)

See if the students are able to express their own thoughts about the music through the scenes they create.


Summative Assessment (how will each objective be assessed?)

Include Rubric or other form of informal or formal assessment

I believe you can't grade a student's interpretation of something, so they will be graded solely on participation.


Lesson/Teaching Evaluation (to think about during the lesson and record after teaching)

Overview – What occurred compared to the plan?

Completed after lesson

Analysis – How well was the lesson planned?


                                     Completed after lesson

Reflection – What did you learn?

Completed after lesson

What would you do differently?

Completed after lesson